SGI Freeware 2002 November
SGI Freeware 2002 November - Disc 2.iso
Perl Script
151 lines
# soif.pl - Processing for the SOIF format.
# Darren Hardy, hardy@cs.colorado.edu, January 1995
# $Id: soif.pl,v 1.6 1995/01/18 17:54:36 hardy Exp $
# Usage:
# require 'soif.pl';
# $soif'input = 'WHATEVER'; # defaults to STDIN
# ($ttype, $url, %SOIF) = &soif'parse();
# foreach $k (sort keys %SOIF) {
# print "KEY: $k\n";
# print "DATA: $SOIF{$k}\n";
# }
# exit(0);
# Copyright (c) 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.
# Mic Bowman of Transarc Corporation.
# Peter Danzig of the University of Southern California.
# Darren R. Hardy of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
# Udi Manber of the University of Arizona.
# Michael F. Schwartz of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
# This copyright notice applies to all code in Harvest other than
# subsystems developed elsewhere, which contain other copyright notices
# in their source text.
# The Harvest software was developed by the Internet Research Task
# Force Research Group on Resource Discovery (IRTF-RD). The Harvest
# software may be used for academic, research, government, and internal
# business purposes without charge. If you wish to sell or distribute
# the Harvest software to commercial clients or partners, you must
# license the software. See
# http://harvest.cs.colorado.edu/harvest/copyright,licensing.html#licensing.
# The Harvest software is provided ``as is'', without express or
# implied warranty, and with no support nor obligation to assist in its
# use, correction, modification or enhancement. We assume no liability
# with respect to the infringement of copyrights, trade secrets, or any
# patents, and are not responsible for consequential damages. Proper
# use of the Harvest software is entirely the responsibility of the user.
# For those who are using Harvest for non-commercial purposes, you may
# make derivative works, subject to the following constraints:
# - You must include the above copyright notice and these accompanying
# paragraphs in all forms of derivative works, and any documentation
# and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge
# that the software was developed at the above institutions.
# - You must notify IRTF-RD regarding your distribution of the
# derivative work.
# - You must clearly notify users that your are distributing a modified
# version and not the original Harvest software.
# - Any derivative product is also subject to the restrictions of the
# copyright, including distribution and use limitations.
package soif;
$soif'debug = 0;
$soif'input = 'STDIN';
$soif'output = 'STDOUT';
$soif'sort_on_output = 1;
# soif'parse - $soif'input is the file descriptor from which to read SOIF.
# Returns an associative array containing the SOIF,
# the template type, and the URL.
sub soif'parse {
print "Inside soif'parse.\n" if ($soif'debug);
return () if (eof($soif'input)); # DW
local($template_type) = "UNKNOWN";
local($url) = "UNKNOWN";
undef %SOIF;
while (<$soif'input>) {
print "READING input line: $_\n" if ($soif'debug);
last if (/^\@\S+\s*{\s*\S+\s*$/o);
if (/^\@(\S+)\s*{\s*(\S+)\s*$/o) {
$template_type = $1, $url = $2
} else {
return ($template_type, $url, %SOIF); # done
while (<$soif'input>) {
if (/^\s*([^{]+){(\d+)}:\t(.*\n)/o) {
$attr = $1;
$vsize = $2;
$value = $3;
if (length($value) < $vsize) {
$nleft = $vsize - length($value);
$end_value = "";
$x = read($soif'input, $end_value, $nleft);
die "Cannot read $nleft bytes: $!"
if ($x != $nleft);
$value .= $end_value;
undef $end_value;
chop($SOIF{$attr} = $value);
last if (/^}/o);
return ($template_type, $url, %SOIF);
# soif'print - $soif'output is the file descriptor to write SOIF.
sub soif'print {
print "Inside soif'print.\n" if ($soif'debug);
local($template_type, $url, %SOIF) = @_;
# Write SOIF header, body, and trailer
print $soif'output "\@$template_type { $url\n";
if ($soif'sort_on_output) {
foreach $k (sort keys %SOIF) {
next if (length($SOIF{$k}) < 1);
&soif'print_item($k, $SOIF{$k});
} else {
foreach $k (keys %SOIF) {
next if (length($SOIF{$k}) < 1);
&soif'print_item($k, $SOIF{$k});
print $soif'output "}\n";
sub soif'print_item {
local($k, $v) = @_;
print $soif'output "$k" , "{", length($v), "}:\t";
print $soif'output $v, "\n";